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HomeAfrica FocusSAITEX celebrates the revival of the African economy

SAITEX celebrates the revival of the African economy

Prominent multi-sector trade event paves the way for business growth across the trade and township economy sector.

Africa is home to one of the world’s fastest growing consumer markets, predicted to increase to 1.7 billion consumers by 2030¹. On the one side of this market is the rising number of ‘ultra-high net worth’ individuals with assets over $30 million, expected to grow by almost 50% by 2025. On the other side is the bustling informal sector – considered Africa’s backbone of economic activity – accounting for over 80% of jobs and employing almost 90% of Africa’s women.²

While the past two years have sent unprecedented shockwaves to global markets, supply chains and economies, the impact has been particularly challenging for smaller African businesses and the SMME sector as a whole.

Of particular interest this year is SAITEX’s new focus on the township economy.

As they move out of ‘survival mode’ and start to re-establish themselves, what new strategies, technologies and other resources can be employed to drive development, trade and growth? How can businesses mobilise funding and unlock new market opportunities, while ensuring that they remain both competitive and regulation compliant?

These are just some of the themes that will be covered at SAITEX, Africa’s largest and most-established multi-sectoral trade show taking place between 19 and 21 June 2022 at the Gallagher Convention Centre in Johannesburg.

According to Portfolio Director of Food, Hospitality and Trade of dmg events Evan Schiff, this year’s face-to-face event will provide a unique opportunity for buyers and brands to connect and network with industry leaders, as they explore latest innovations and trends impacting the sector over a series of trade exchange workshops, dialogues, and stakeholder engagement and training sessions led by trade experts, financial institutes and entrepreneurs.

“Of particular interest this year is SAITEX’s new focus on the township economy,” says Schiff. “With almost half of Southern Africa’s urban population living in townships and informal settlements, this is a market segment valued at hundreds of billions of rands, which represents a significant opportunity for both manufacturers and importers of food and FMCG goods.”

As part of a stakeholder engagement discussion with government and business that looks at Gauteng townships as a catalyst for growth, attendees will learn how the Township Economic Development Act and Township Economy Partnership Fund will change commercial activity, expand existing businesses in townships, and facilitate cheaper and easier business operations.

As part of a stakeholder engagement discussion with government and business that looks at Gauteng townships as a catalyst for growth.

Other workshops and discussions will center around topics such as transformation and the opportunities for women in trade, capacity building, the role of technology to drive recovery, as well as SMME access to finance.

Bigger event, access to a wider audience

In 2022, the 3-day SAITEX event will be co-located with the continent’s leading food and beverage event, Africa’s Big 7, and the Halal International Trade Expo,  which promises to open up access to an even larger audience of buyers and brands.

“In its 28th year, our marketplace provides buyers with a vast variety of products showcased by over 150 exhibitors from across the world, while offering exhibitors the opportunity to develop exciting new partnerships and conclude export and import deals,” says Schiff.

“As a high-level, international business-to-business trade platform, backed by a strong advisory board of industry champions whose strategic insight ensures relevant, topical and valuable content to both exhibitors and visitors, SAITEX promises to set the stage for business expansion and growth into Africa.”

For exhibitor and visitor information, please visit SAITEX here.

[¹] https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/africas-consumer-market-potential.pdf
[²] https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—dgreports/—dcomm/documents/publication/wcms_626831.pdf pg. 31


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