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HomeCompany NewsAir Products supports Cryozone’s whole-body cryotherapy chamber launch at SSISA

Air Products supports Cryozone’s whole-body cryotherapy chamber launch at SSISA

After operating in South Africa for the past year, Cryozone now has a whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) chamber housed on the premises of the Sport Science Institute of South Africa (SSISA), in Cape Town.

Cryozone recently held an event which was attended by various South African sports and fitness personalities to introduce the whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) technology, outline its benefits and to introduce Cryozone, the company behind this scientifically and technologically advanced recovery therapy.

Professor Mike Lambert from the Division of Exercise Science and Sports Medicine (ESSM) at the University of Cape Town, kicked off the event with insightful medical information about the importance of rest and recovery when preparing for a major sporting event, and how sufficient rest can positively affect an athlete’s performance.

The talk delivered by Willie Muller, Managing Director of Cryozone, beautifully dovetailed Professor Lambert’s presentation as he shared benefits of WBC which are closely linked to pointers highlighted by Professor Lambert. “Whole body cryotherapy offers a technological and scientific approach in addressing fatigue, delayed muscle recovery as well as pain and inflammation caused by rigorous training and exercise”, said Muller. He added, “Within just three minutes in the cryotherapy chamber that’s cooled to -120°C, an athlete can enjoy health benefits such as faster recovery time, reduced muscle pain and inflammation, increased energy levels and muscle strength, as well as improved blood circulation and improved sleep quality.”

“In the extreme cold conditions of a WBC chamber, the body’s physiological responses to exposure are triggered by the sudden decrease in skin temperature. When the brain receives signals registering the extreme low temperature in a WBC chamber, it recognises the impossibility of maintaining the core temperature if normal blood circulation is maintained in the outer layers of the skin. Receptors below the surface of the skin then direct the body’s nervous system to carry out a process called vasoconstriction – a narrowing of the arteries and blood vessels,” says Lee-Ann Diab, Sport Scientist and Recovery Specialist.

The Cryozone whole-body cryotherapy chamber at the Sport Science Institute of South Africa in Cape Town.

She added, “The process leads to a reduction in the flow of blood to tired or damaged tissue, effectively shutting down the inflammation process and the development of swelling or bruising around an injury. At the same time, blood is retained in the body’s core and is flushed through the normal cycle and becomes enriched with oxygen, enzymes and nutrients as well as receiving an influx of hormones via the body’s endocrine system. Once the brain identifies that a ‘normal temperature’ is reached, having exited the whole-body cryotherapy chamber, the reverse process called vasodilation then returns and the enriched blood from the core to the extremities. This process coupled with the release of hormones provide for a rush of endorphins, promoting a feeling of well-being and positivity in the body.”

One of Cryozone’s stakeholders that was in attendance is Air Products. The company supplies Cryozone with liquid Nitrogen that is used in the cryothery chamber.

The partnership between the two companies makes Cryozone’s offering unparalleled and superior in the market because of the quality of liquid nitrogen that is provided by Air Products and its level of safety for athletes and public at large.

“Air Products places a lot of emphasis on innovation and technology and the involvement with Cryozone highlights the fact that we embrace new technology. With Air Products’ supply of liquid nitrogen for cryotherapy, we can showcase that our products are diverse – we are not restricted to supplying gas for industrial applications and food and beverage but are also able to accommodate specialised applications. One of the core aspects of Air Products is safety and we are confident of Cryozone’s operations being testimony to high safety standards”, said Nita Muller, Regional Sales Manager for Air Products in the Western Cape.

When the formalities for the day wrapped up, guests got the opportunity to experience WBC first hand, which they were very thrilled about.

When JC Janse van Rensburg and Sergeal Peterson of the DHL Stormers were asked about their experience of WBC, they both said it was amazing because they felt energised and alert – so much so that they could hit the field for more training.

To learn more about WBC and its unmatched benefits, visit

For more information on the products supplied by Air Products, visit


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