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HomeCompany NewsLimpopo’s Special Economic Zones to drive industrialisation

Limpopo’s Special Economic Zones to drive industrialisation

MEC for Economic Development, Environment and Tourism Thabo Mokone invites investors to be part of an exciting journey to creating a green energy supply to bolster localised manufacturing.

The Provincial Government of Limpopo invites investors to partner with us in developing a low-carbon green economy while at the same time enhancing energy security and developing local industries.

Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are the key tools within our Economic Reconstruction plans to ensure that we create sustainable job opportunities for all. This applies to both the Fetakgomo-Tubatse SEZ as well as the Musina Makhado SEZ.

True development is about people

When South Africa achieved democracy nearly three decades ago, who would have dreamed of a Special Economic Zone in the Steelpoort area. But today, a Special Economic Zone is our new reality.

The proposed FTSEZ is gearing up to become a centre of excellence for green energy manufacturing, agro-processing and mineral beneficiation. The SEZ is positioned to be a game-changer in shaping and adding momentum to the industrialisation growth path as espoused in the socio-economic recovery plan of Limpopo Province.

It is strategically located in the industrial hub of Steelpoort between two huge mining establishments, the Samancor smelter and the Lion ferrechrome smelter, which are strategic landmarks for the establishment of the SEZ.

The Fetakgomo-Tubatse SEZ will not only play the role of a consumer of hydrogen in the Special Economic Zone but will strive to become a producer of hydrogen and other clean energy technologies.

In Limpopo we see the Hydrogen Economy as a potential game-changer to reindustrialise the provincial economy.

For the Fetakgomo-Tubatse SEZ, the Hydrogen Valley platform has the potential to drive the demand for mining inputs supplies, thereby creating an opportunity for large-scale industrialisation for both the manufacturing of mining inputs and the beneficiation of mining outputs.

The efforts which we have put into Fetakgomo-Tubatse SEZ have so far led to us acquiring:

  • 1 220 ha of land.
  • An EIA process is currently underway.
  • The application for a Record of Decision (RoD) process has commenced.
  • The SEZ Master Plan (Development Framework) and layout is complete with full infrastructure designs and costs in readiness for infrastructure roll-out.
  • 16 companies have shown a keen interest in the SEZ by signing letters of intent (combined investment value of approximately R38-billion).
  • Four companies have shown a readiness to locate inside the SEZ by 2022. A due diligence process is underway.

We envisage creating 8 000 jobs in the short term and 20 000 jobs in 10 years. The main objective of this SEZ is to develop a low-carbon green economy which will offer promising opportunities not only to fight climate change, but to enhance energy security and develop local industries.

The strategic aim of the SEZ is to develop a green primary energy supply for localised manufacturing of both upstream and downstream activities of the platinum group metals and chrome value chains.

Our passion in ensuring operational Special Economic Zones within local municipalities as well as working with various private partners is a clear indication that we are committed to “Building better communities together”.


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