Northern Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Our heritage in brief
NOCCI was established on 22 February 2000 when the Chamber of Business and the Kimberley Afrikaanse Sakekamer amalgamated. At the time, these two organisations had served the business community of Kimberley for 120 years.
Membership advantages
A Chamber assesses and evaluates the needs of the local business community, especially regarding the need for services to small business at a reasonable cost:
- Monitors developments at the local level
- Mobilizes business opinion on local issues
- Exerts a positive influence on the environment in which business operates and helps prospective members grow their business
- Promotes and encourages the pursuit of a high standard of business ethics
- Disseminates information that is useful to the business fraternity
- Creates opportunities for improving business skills
- Extends business contacts locally, regionally and nationally, and allows individual business people to share in the provincial and national business decision-making processes
- Upholds the market economy and private enterprise system
- Has committees which are ideal places for members of diverse interests to consolidate and unify their thinking as they work together – committees accurately sense the environment, process information and provide valuable guidance to the member
- Holds functions and special events, allowing members to network and learn about interesting topics
Through affiliation with national organised business structures, the “Voice of Business” is representative as memberships grows. The “Voice of Business” is a binding force combining the skills and influences of men and women engaged in all forms and sectors of business.
Can you afford not to belong?
The increasingly complex business and social environment requires a comprehensive support structure to ensure the most favourable climate for the continued viable existence of individual businesses in a system of free enterprise. At the same time, the Chamber movement facilitates adjustment by business to those realities that cannot be altered.
Involvement in the Chamber movement bears abundant fruit for the well-being of each business. Thousands of successful business people can testify to the enrichment of their own skills and the development of a network base through active participation in the Chamber affairs. If you are a businessperson with vision, you cannot afford not to join the Chamber movement.
Contact NOCCI
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